
Lost Histories: Recovering the lives of Japan's colonial peoples (Cambridge MA: Harvard University Asia Center, 2019).

The possibility of liminal colonial subjecthood:  An examination of the Tours to the Metropolis Program and the search for subaltern histories in the Japanese Empire,” Critical Asian Studies, 47:1 (March 2015), 123-150.

The 1903 Human Pavilion: Colonial realities and subaltern subjectivities in Twentieth century Japan,” The Journal of Asian Studies, vol. 73 no. 2 (May 2014), 493-516.

Editor, The Japanese Empire: Colonial Lives and Postcolonial Struggles  Course Reader No. 8 The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, 2013

Book Reviews

Kirsten Ziomek. Review of Berry, Michael, ed.. The Musha Incident: A Reader on the Indigenous Uprising in Colonial Taiwan. H-Asia, H-Net Reviews. October, 2023

Review of Hiroko Matsuda's The Liminality of the Japanese Empire: Border Crossings from Okinawa to Colonial Taiwan (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2019) for Monumenta Nipponica, 76:2 (2021), 42-48.

"The View of the Japanese Enemy 75 Years after the End of World War IIImplacable Foes: War in the Pacific 1944-1945. By Waldo Heinrichs and Marc Gallicchio. Reviews in American History  vol. 48, no 4 (Dec 2020): 582-588.

"From Idealism to the Ground: The Japanese Empire's Occupation of Southeast AsiaThe Japanese Occupation of Malaya and Singapore, 1941–45: A Social and Economic History. By Paul H. Kratoska; Japan's Occupation of Java in the Second World War: A Transnational History. By Ethan Mark; The Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere: When Total Empire Met Total War. By Jeremy A. Yellen, The Journal of Asian Studies,  vol. 79 no 1, (Feb 2020): 241-248.

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